Reaching Out

It's all about empowerment. The cider world is fascinating and hugely dynamic, but how do you break into it? In typically generous fashion, Melissa McCann the charismatic face behind Queen of Beer, the renowned craft beer competition for women, has opened up the inaugural Women's International Beer Summit next weekend (24/25 April) to cider.
I'm thrilled to be joining the ever-inspiring Michelle Pagano, aka The Brew Babe, for our Sunday session, Wassail! Craft Cider Across The Waves! Running handily along Pacific Standard Time, 9.15am over WIBS way becomes 5.15pm here.
We've both come from outside the cider community, so we'll be discussing what got us hooked, as well as how you can get started, whether it's making cider as we did here at Little Pomona or joining the industry in some other way.
We'll uncover how to develop your palate, share stories of women who are making waves across both sides of the pond, as well as looking to the future, what it might hold and the value of uplifting organisations such as Cider Women and Pomme Boots.
MIchelle is also giving her classic Cider101 class on Saturday, so if you fancy making cider yourself, here's how.
WIBS is being held via CrowdCast, so registration includes access to all content.
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